Milí studenti,
v novém školním roce 2017/2018 přivítáme novou posilu ve výuce anglického jazyka.
O zdokonalení Vaší anglické konverzace se postará Mason Winkie, který za Vámi bude pravidelně docházet, aby tak zpestřil běžnou výuku, a především vystříbřil Vaše jazykové dovednosti.
Chcete-li vědět něco více o našem novém kolegovi a Vašem jedinečném učiteli, přečtěte si více (viz níže). Tentokrát již v angličtině.
Personal Info
Where I’m From
I was born and raised in Bridgeport, West Virginia. My home state only has a total population of 1.8 million people, with an area of 62,000 km2. In general, it is a very rural state with many farms and small towns. In my state, my home town is considered a “city”, but it only has a total population of around 9,000 people.
Who I Am
My favorite hobbies are traveling, hiking, reading, and playing sports. I’ve been fortunate enough to travel to multiple countries and love trying new food everywhere I go. When it comes to hiking, I’ll go anywhere and am use to hikes in the mountains since West Virginia is located in the Appalachian Mountains. Sports wise, I enjoy to ski in the winter and play soccer during the warmer months. When it comes to reading, I read anything and everything. However, my favorite books are The Picture of Dorian Gray, Atlas Shrugged, and The Brothers Karamazov.