Akce 16. 1. 2019 byla z organizačních důvodů zrušena.
Náhradní termín bude stanoven.
Od založení naší školy nás navštívila celá řada zajímavých hostů z různých koutů světa a různých sfér působení. Dalším netradičním hostem, kterého přivítáme ve středu 16. ledna nového roku 2019, je zástupce americké ambasády Heath Cox.
Pan Cox působí coby manažer na Velvyslanectví USA v České republice a zabývá se koordinací spolupráce s českou veřejností.
Našim studentům se tak nabízí možnost dozvědět se řadu zajímavostí z multikulturního prostředí, ale také opětovné procvičení jazykových dovedností s rodilým americkým mluvčím.
Těšíme se na Heatha Coxe a na Vaše zajímavé dotazy, kterými jej zahrnete.
Heath Cox Biography
Heath Cox currently serves as Community Liaison Coordinator, a management support role at the U.S. Embassy in Prague. Prior to moving to the Czech Republic in August of 2018, Heath’s career crisscrossed continents and industries. He has distinguished himself as an agile manager with a talent for launching business and opening international markets. His broad business skills span operations management, marketing, finance and strategic leadership.
- After graduating from the University of Cincinnati in 1993, Heath moved to Budapest, Hungary. There he helped launch Shell Gas Rt. Subsequently, he served as the company’s logistics manager.
- After that, Mr. Cox worked as an International Trade Specialist for the U.S. Department of Commerce. In that role, he guided many U.S. companies into markets around the globe.
- In 2001, Heath was recruited to be the General Manager of a new construction materials factory in Bosnia & Herzegovina. He spent the next few years building the business and expanding its sales throughout southeastern Europe.
- In 2005 Mr. Cox moved to Egypt to be with his wife and their young daughter. In Cairo he served as the Executive Officer of USAID Egypt where he oversaw most of the management support functions of the USAID mission.
- From 2009 to 2011, Heath earned an MBA in Sustainable Management from the Presidio Graduate School in San Francisco.
- In 2011, along with four graduate school classmates, he founded a mobile beer canning business in San Francisco. The company continues to do well.
- In that same year, he moved to Munich, Germany where his wife was assigned to the U.S. Consulate. Heath’s time in Germany was spent advising start-ups and lecturing as an adjunct professor at two universities.
- From 2016 to 2018, Mr. Cox took time off from his professional career in order to pursue his interest in the brewing industry. He worked as a brewer at a mid-sized brewery in Virginia.
Along the way Heath has visited over 80 countries, piloted ferry boats, competed in sled races and has enjoyed many other adventures. Experience has earned Heath a reputation for having sound business judgement in unfamiliar situations. Still, Heath does not know what he wants to be when he grows up.